In situ Museumization of the Old House: a Photo Essay
Commissioned logos for CNN Hội Thao
A conceptual exercise in selective color manipulation, Black Swan is about the fallen perfectionist who is straying further into the dark.
Selected photos from school excursion at Tuyen Quang with friends
The Making of Vietnamese Women through Folklore, Poetry, and Modern Media: a Photo Essay
Selected photos from Amber House at CNN Olympics
A Collection of Poems and Short Stories
Selected photos from Military Education trip
Superface is an amalgamation of self-edited self-portraits that I started since the start of my 10th grade, my first academic year in the pandemic, to experiment with makeup and artistic concepts.
People are recognized by their facial appearances, but our faces are constantly morphing with external gazes that scrutinize our facade, of our own volition or not.
My face is a superface, a layering of different personalities and stories that I wear on my skin. As an artist, I use my face as canvas to reclaim the ways I am perceived.